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Thursday, October 25, 2012


Yesterday I received a lovely letter from Ebony. The beautiful hand made envelope and cut out shapes reminded me of my letter-writing days in Primary school.
I have kept all my letters and cards in shoe boxes, pushed to the back of cupboards. Some are more than 25years old.(...wowzers?!). Here are some oldies and newies(?) I am sorting through:

Little mini notes, open/close flaps, pop ups, art works, little presents all bundled up in a letter. There is something so special about opening these precious handmade gifts...I should get writing again.

p.s. Thanks Ebony, Emma, Miwa, Kao-chan, Junko chan, Simon for all your letters.

Monday, October 15, 2012

December Markets

We will be part of a few markets in December 2012.

'Craft Hatch'
At 1000 £ Bend, 361 Little Lonsdale Street, Melbourne VIC
Saturday 1st December 2012, 11am - 4pm

'The Finders Keepers Sydney Market'
The inside foyer at CarriageWorks - 245 Wilson Street, Eveleigh NSW
Saturday 8th December 2012, 6pm - 10pm
Sunday 9th December 2012,  10am - 5pm